Diamjag logo
Technical Notes

This game is for the Jaguar 64bit System. You will need the BJL Bios and the BJL cable to load the game in the Jaguar Ram at $4000. Or use the provided encrypted CD Image to burn it on a cdrom and start the game from the Jaguar CD System.

The Game

Diamjag is a reflexion game, you are a ball and must catch all the diamonds in each levels. There are 28 fascinating levels with walls around. The walls are the only obstacles of the ball, so you can't stop the ball when you go into a direction.

The Online System

The most interesting feature is the high score. When you finish a level, you get a code. If you enter this code on the DiamJag Website you may appear on the online worldwide ranking. So you have to be the fastest !

The DiamJag Website

Diamjag intro screenshot

About the code

Just to clarify things, all the code in this game are my very Own code, no gpl code or whatever, even the jaguar library to init and use sprite is my own. I only used the Sinister Dev. MOD player because I've no experience in sound coding and this player is pretty easy to use and work very well. The author of the player encourages moreover its use.

The Hidden Screen

Yes, there is a little hidden screen in the game. and I would say a "technical" screen. Anyway, that's a nice screen to see ;p
Concerning some technical details about this screen, It use less than 50% of the VBL, and I'm still using a bit of 68k code, so it could be a lot faster ;)

How to Find the Hidden Screen

You will need your jaguar pad, and that's all. I will add that the cheat must be done on the title screen.

The Point

Diamjag ingame screenshot

The Credits

Special Thanks to cooper and the Jagware Team !